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Rhino Group Consulting EST 2016


Setup Google Cloud Console / Geocode API

Setting up google cloud console is very simple to do, we find that this service has endless applications and should be used by pretty much every business.

To start with google cloud console you need to create an account at

once you set that up you will be prompted to create a project name it whatever you like.

Follow These Steps To Get Access To The Geocode API or watch the video walkthrough

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Get Zip codes From Address’s In Zoho CRM

The first thing you need is an account on google cloud console you can sign up pretty easily and take advantage of the free credits it gives you (operating cost on this service is pennies, we pay about .20 /month and get zip codes for 10k + module entries). Once you are signed up create the api key for Geocode API (Click here to see our easy steps to do that)
Next, you need to create two fields in Zoho CRM one called “Lat” and another called “Long” these can both be single line fields and are going to be used to store the lattitude and longtitude of our first code. After this is done you can create a new worflow that runs a function every time a new module entry is added, using the following deluge code to accomplish what we need

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Upload Images To Zoho CRM From URL

If you are using an application outside of the Zoho suite you would need to implement a series of additional scripts to accomplish this. However if the application you are trying to get images from has an API of its own you can this deluge code to get the image.

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